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Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.George Bernard Shaw

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Stephen Wingo Jr. who was born in Texas on May 5, 1976 and passed away on March 19, 2016. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

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Stephen 11th Birthday - May 1987 Xand ShawnX Stephen 13th Birthday XShawn 10 years and JeramyX Stephen 6 years 1982 Stephen 11th Birthday - May 1987 X2X Stephen 11th Birthday - May 1987 X1X Stephen .2 weeks Florrie 17 years Steve 21 years Stephen .4 weeks Stephen 11 years - 5th grade Stephen 6 years Christmas 1882 Stephen 9th Birthday Stephen 6 years X Shawn 4 Years Stephen 5 years 1981 Stephen 5 years Stephen 10 years X Mom 27 years Stephen 11th Birthday - May 1987 Xand ShawnX
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